Saturday, November 2, 2019 in Lohrfink Auditorium in Hariri Building
1:00 - 1:30 Registration
1:30 - 1:40 Opening Ceremony
Barton Goldenberg, Rotary District Governor​
1:40-2:00 Keynote Address
Jody Olsen, Director of the Peace Corps
2:00 - 2:25 Role of Peace Corps and Rotary Peace Scholars in Forming World Leaders ​
Rotary International and Peace Corps have been the backbone to many of the world’s organizations that work to promote inclusive economic growth and peace throughout the world. The panel, composed of Rotary Peace Scholars and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, will discuss how speakers have participated in these programs, and how participation has influenced their careers and approach to life.
Glenn Blumhorst, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
Chris Hara, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
Kristin Post, Rotary Peace Fellow
Matthew Ford, Rotary Peace Fellow
2:25-2:35 Models of Innovative Technology in Combating Global Conflicts
LTC David Johnson and Director C4ADS will speak about the role of technology in monitoring, analyzing and combating global conflicts. Pulling from his extensive experience with C4ADS and Intel, he will discuss the emerging possibilities that data-driven analysis and innovative technological models present for advancing peace worldwide.
2:35 - 3:05 Sustainability After Conflict and the Advancement of Peace Education
Conflict comes in many shapes and sizes. Peter Kyle, a member of Rotary International’s Board and a key supporter of Rotary’s Peace Scholarships and Foundation, will interview the Ambassador Kosovo about her experiences and how her country has worked to create sustainable peace after conflict. Professor Tony Jenkins will discuss his work on peace education, and the role that education has played in establishing sustainable peace in diverse countries and contexts.
Peter Kyle, Rotary International board member
Vlora Çitaku, Ambassador of Kosovo
Tony Jenkins, International Institute on Peace Education
3:05 - 3:20 Coffee Break
3:20 - 3:40 The Power of Imagery in Harnessing Truth-telling and Peace Promotion
Hailey Sadler, Humanitarian-crisis photographer​
3:40 - 4:10 The Building Blocks of Economic Growth as a Foundation for Sustainable Peace
The route to sustainable peace is through economic growth. Rule of law and transparency form two of the pillars of growth by permitting critical and sound investments. Those investments should respect culture, communities and the economic realities of a country. Environmental integrity and sound governance also remain key features in attaining culturally-aware and sustainable economic growth. Our internationally recognized panel of speakers will delve into their experience both personal and institutional.
Professor Don Wallace, Chairman of International Law Institute
Shantayanan Devarajan, senior director of the World Bank
Kathryn Rzeszut, Integrity
Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International
4:10 - 4:50 The Pitfalls and Potential of Religion in Peacebuilding
Religion has become a central topic in peace studies today, often being blamed as a source of intractable conflict. Father David Hollenbach of the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs will lead a discussion on how religion has both contributed to and detracted from peace today. The panel will explore the diverse ways in which religious identity and practices intersect with human rights, conflict, and peace-building. In what ways do religious groups aid or damage the cause of peace around the world? What unique strengths does religion present as a force for peace? How can the world move towards a unifying, global vision of religious tolerance and understanding that advances the cause of peace?
Father David Hollenbach, Berkley Center
Omer Kanat, Director of Uyghur Human Rights Project
David Pratt, Director of the Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy, adjunct professor at Georgetown University
Rebecca Carter-Chand, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
4:50 - 4:55 Closing Ceremony + Grant Announcement
4:55 - 6:15 Networking